EVERYTHING DiSC 363® for Leaders

Elevate leadership effectiveness with our dynamic 360-degree feedback application.

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Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders isn’t just any 360. It’s a dynamic 360-degree feedback tool plus 3 personalized strategies for leaders to put into action immediately—a 360 + 3!

The richness of Everything DiSC® comes together with the research-based Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership framework to help any leader—emerging high-potentials and experienced executives alike—incorporate critical feedback from direct reports, peers, and bosses into a development plan to increase their effectiveness in a leadership role. Whether coaching one-on-one or working with small groups of aspiring leaders, this powerful set of resources includes tips, techniques, and step-by-step guidance to help you introduce Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders into an organization, get buy-in from senior leadership, determine the scope and timeline for implementation, and deliver a fully customizable 360-degree feedback and coaching offering that meets your client’s specific leadership development needs

Visit 363forleaders.com for additional information.

363 for Leaders Learning Experience

Whether an emerging high potential or an experienced executive, participants incorporate critical feedback from direct reports, peers, and bosses into a development plan that is both productive and satisfying, ultimately elevating leadership effectiveness.

The Assessment

Leaders take a two-part, self-rating online assessment that combines the Everything DiSC and Leadership Behaviors assessments to measure their general behavioral style and traits and their leadership preferences and tendencies.

Raters are given a two-part, research validated, online assessment that combines the Leadership Behaviors assessment (also taken by the leader) with an additional Leadership Request survey that asks raters to identify which leadership practices they would like to see the leader engage in more frequently. Leaders can have an unlimited number of raters.

The Profile

The Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Profile is a 22-page report that helps participants deepen their understanding of their own leadership style based on their DiSC style. Participants learn the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership while examining how colleagues perceive their performance against these approaches. Participants discover their greatest strengths as a leader and receive in-depth information and concrete strategies for improving three challenge areas determined by their raters.


Raters save time and reduce stress with CommentSmart, our exclusive selectable comments feature that allows raters to choose from highly-tested, behavior-focused comments to give more richness, context, and depth to their feedback.

Getting Started

To reduce the time and energy it takes to implement your 363 program, we’ve created support materials to help you organize and speed up your workflow. While every organization has a different process for initiating and approving a 360-feedback program, our workflow materials assume that the formal proposal for using Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders within your organization has been approved, and you’re ready to take the steps necessary for a successful implementation.

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